
กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก สิงหาคม, 2018

งานที่12 Arduino101 BLE Autonomous Rover

Arduino101 BLE Autonomous Rover Augmenting the Arduino101 BLE Rover with sensors for autonomous driving. Intermediate Full instructions provided 45 minutes 12,059 Things used in this project Hardware components Arduino 101 & Genuino 101 × 1 SeeedStudio Skeleton Bot - 4WD Mobile Robotic Platform × 1 SeeedStudio Grove Starter Kit for Arduino101 × 1 SeeedStudio Grove I2C Motor Driver Board × 2 SeeedStudio Grove 80cm Infrared Proximity Sensor × 1 Software apps and online services Arduino IDE Nordic Semiconductor BLE Toolbox Hand tools and fabrication machines Velcro Tape Small screwdrivers Story This project is an extension of the  Arudino101 BLE Rover,  where I had supplied some Seeedstudio Skeleton Bot 4WD mobile robotic platform kits to a team conducting a Maker experience for Oakland, CA High School students. The intent of this tutorial is to show how by adding sensors you can creat